Monday, September 26, 2011

Torture Discussion

Today before the discussion I was against torture and nothing could change my mind. After the fact of hearing other peoples thoughts it really makes me think about it. Just like Mr. Palo said, what if that detainee is the only person who know the information about a you torture them to get the information. I went home thinking about this and I think I am still pretty sure that I would not want to torture somebody, because you never know if the information is true. Yes, they never let the detainee go, but still what good does that do?

Someone in the class also said that we must torture so that others will fear us. When you think about this why is that the only way to make somebody fear us? I believe that we use to be a country people would look up to, because we are so great, but now look at what we are doing. We are putting ourselves as low as all the other countries doing the same thing. Just because we do not torture on our soil why does that make everything better?  

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